
  1. Log in the PBX web interface, go to PBX > Settings>Recording Settings to enable the record


    • Enable Recording of Internal Calls: Check this option, and all internal calls made by the selected extensions will be recorded automatically.

    • Internal Call Being Recorded Prompt: if the internal call has enabled call recording, this prompt will notify the called party that the call is being recorded.

    • Outbound/Inbound Calls Being Recorded Prompt: if the external call (outbound/inbound) has enabled call recording, this prompt will notify the external party that the call is being recorded.

    • Record Trunks: when a call reaches the selected trunk, it will be recorded.

    • Record Extensions: the selected extensions will be recorded.

    • Record Conferences: the selected conferences will be recorded.

  2. Log in the PBX web interface, go to PBX > Recordings> Calls Recording to check the record

  3. Set the Date to filter the call logs during the date duration.

  4. Set other searching criteria,such as Source or Destination.

  5. Click Search.The filtered call logs will display.

  6. Select the checkbox beside the cdr, click Delete button to delete the CDR.

  7. Select the format in the drop-down list(CSV as default), click Generate button to download the CDR.